Local History / Local Research Series Presentations
In 2002 two year before the Bloomfield Historical Society (BHS) was formed then director of the Bloomfield Township Public Library (BTPL), Karen Kotulis – Carter, decided to begin a series of presentation featuring various aspects of the Bloomfield Area history. Once the BHS came into being in 2004 these programs have been jointly sponsored by the Historical Society and the Library. Bloomfield Area was defined at Bloomfield Township, the City of Bloomfield Hills, and occasionally a bit of West Bloomfield and Franklin Village.
These presentations were usually given before a live audience in the large Community Room in the Library on a Sunday afternoon between 3:00pm and 4:30pm. The presentations were generally given using PowerPoint slides. In all but a couple of cases, the talks were recorded by Bloomfield Community TV (BCTV). They were then shown a number of times on the local community TV channel. In addition DVDs were produced and made available for borrowing from the Library. Even more conveniently the programs now can be viewed on demand from the BCTV and BHS websites.
The speakers for these presentations were various: members of the BHS, guests from other areas who had developed material on Bloomfield, and a few authors of books of an historic nature that were of interest to Bloomfield residents. There have been two or three of these presentations given each year since the inaugural talk in 2002. As of the end of February 2022 there have been 57 of these LH/LR Series Presentation. As future presentations are given the plan is to make them available through the BHS website under the tab “Past Programs – Video”.